Hey, did you know that June is, by tradition, Bike Month in Canada? We've extended our contest!. SUBMISSION DATE IS NOW JUNE 30TH
2021 Bicycles, Vehicles for Change!
We want you to see your cycling related photos! Avid cyclists, occasional bicycle riders, and even non-cyclists may enter this photo contest. You don't have to ride a bicycle to appreciate bicycle themed photos. This contest is about using your camera and photos to help celebrate bicycles and cycling! It’s about sharing your photos with our cycling community and beyond! It’s about showing off your photography skills in a friendly competition! And, it’s about a diversion from being physically distanced, still, yet having fun! No charge to enter!
The theme of this year’s contest is, “Bicycles, Vehicles for Change!” Within that theme there are two categories: Healthy CyclingAND Bicycles & the Environment. Bicycles and cycling are an important part of change for ourselves as individuals, as well as on a community and global level. The two focus areas this year are: the health and wellness benefits (physically and mentally) of riding a bicycle; and, the role bicycles and cycling play in improving our environment.
Interested in submitting a photo?
For details and information on how to enter the I Love Cycling Week/Month Photo Contest, please click here. Note that the new submission date is 30th of June, 11:59 p.m. Contact email for this contest is [email protected].
Last year's photos can be found here. The 2021 gallery will be live starting Cycling Week in Kingston 2021